This is your cosmic appointment in time as you step into the power of being THE ONE you came here to be. Welcome.
The Vibe: PURE PSYCHIC MAGIC ~ You Come For This Soul SEQUENCE when you're ready to break down the doors to your highest soul potential, and get CRYSTAL CLEAR on your EXACT SOUL FREQUENCY MEDICINE.
• This is for the highly ambitious, open to possibilities, drenched with self-worth woman who is ready for EXQUISITE CLARITY on her exact soul frequency medicine in the world. This is not a place you come "already knowing the answers."
• This is a place you come prepared to have your heart cracked open to seeing the truth about YOU in a way you have NEVER seen it before.
What Is Included:
• 55 minute live Zoom call to do the extraction process via a highly-tailored and potent dialogue.
•This is a very FAST-PACED CONVERSATION. We want to get to the root in 30 minutes (don't worry, I'll basically know within 5 seconds, I'm very fast, 🤣 and the rest of the time what I ask and say is really just to triple confirm because I also like to be very thorough and exact 😆).
• I will ask you clear direct questions, and ask you to be specific, and vibrationally draw out any information needed from your life experiences, so that I can right clear to the root of what your EXACT soul frequency medicine in this lifetime is.
• The next 10 minutes are dedicated to outlining your soul jewel metaphor in detail and PURE PSYCHIC CHANNELED flow and divine sight, specificically for you – the sight that God has gifted me with, belongs to no one else but me – what I can see about you, is a sight that only I have.
• The final 15 minutes are dedicated into a pure expansion of how this extraction can serve you in your psychic edge and approach to Soul Led Biz CEOShip and Entrepreneurial Capacities. You have a unique gift, you are meant to be resplendent in the world with, and you are the ONLY one with this gift and worthy of being paid billions for your brilliance. Are you ready for that?
Results Intended, Possible, & IMMINENT:
⚜️Killer confidence because you now know who and how you are here to be, and so you'll stop DENYING the exact soul medicine you are and looping over and over again as to why "xyz" had to happen. You'll see who you BECAME, with exquisite clarity.
⚜️DEEP SELF-TRUST, because you'll see that you have continued to extract the same lesson from your experiences EACH TIME, and that means that you've always BEEN on the path of continued development and progress, and there is no longer any need to go back and pick it apart. Instead your energy is freed for the present moment.
⚜️Potency in WORDS - this is perhaps the biggest gift of all because while you KNOW you are special, precious, magical, gifted, talented, worthy, loved, lovable, it can be easy to forget, or wonder "but is this really true in how I am perceived AND how I live my life? What ARE my gifts?" When we are walking through a storm in life (which let's face it.... Okay let's not go into that actually. LOL. YOU KNOW HOW THE STORMS GO), when we are walking through storms it can be easy to lose track of who you are. BUT NOT WHEN YOU HAVE WORDS and stacked evidence of the FREQUENCY GIFT you are and the LAYERS of it.
AKA, results: Killer Self-Confidence, Self-Trust, Clarity, and WORDS to describe your EXACT GIFT.
💓I will email you a download of the audio to our psychic channeling call so you can keep it forever and transcribe the exquisite word art we will extract, and use it to remind you of who you are, and the gift you bring into the world with your every waking and sleeping moment, and pure presence in this lifetime.
💎THE LAST TEN MINUTES: If you are a CEO or SOUL BIZ Entrepreneur, I have had some specific downloads related to this session + your specific gifts, re: selling the FREQUENCY of who you are, that I am happy to share with you in this now extended session -- that's what the extra 10 minutes are for!! I cannot wait for all this magic that is yours.
💓I will feature you and your tagline on my page (if you desire & with consent) and henceforth CELEBRATE the absolute joy of your existence from here on out, because once a Soul Jewel Has Been Seen, this is the greatest initiation into shining radiantly and allowing yourself to be seen, received, loved, adored and honored there is.
PLEASE NOTE: This offering and zoom call session is not for you if you, for any reason:
--Do not want to hear my truth and reflection on your specific and MOST challenging life experiences; I will not hold back on the exacting clarity of what I see in each situation.
--If you have deep resistance to receiving, allowing, acknowledging and accepting your soul gifts and their links to your deepest challenges in this life -- if this is the case you yourself won't allow the truth to land. This session is an opportunity for you to step into greater SELF-SIGHT, (to see your own gifts), and it requires willingness, openness, and a powerful sense of courage and desire TO SEE what is apparent. If you had seen it with vivid detail, clarity, and precision already, you wouldn't be booking this session. You book this because you desire POTENT clarity that creates unshakable confidence in your soul signature energy.
--You do not feel you can be present and clear while delving into the challenges you have emerged from
--You are looking for someone to hold compassionate, empathetic space for what you have been through
--You are looking to be seen and heard in your life story MORE than you would like crystal clear clarity on the soul medicine of you that EMERGES from that life experience
--You have not cultivated enough inner safety or sense of confidence to be completely open and honest with me in answering the questions I ask. I can only do this dialogue precisely if you are 100,000% clear and honest with me without leaving out details.
--You are not desiring or ready for me to ask you questions about: What was your greatest fear in this moment, what were you afraid other people were thinking of you, What did you wish you could do that you didn't, what does this mean about you.
--You are not willing to be clear, objective, and practical about following my line of questioning and are more worried about how it will make you look, or have a high amount of self-judgment or shame around sharing these topics with me.
--Please know, I share the truth with love. If you've been around me, interacting with my work and me, you already know this. I have your highest intentions in mind, and I care DEEPLY about the sanctity of your soul, and we extract the genius from your life experience, in ORDER to serve you.
--This does not mean that you have to restrict your emotions -- in fact, even if you cry through the entire session and it would be perfect.
--But know that I am going to be with you and walk you through the questions and this session is not intended to hold space for your life experiences -- its intended to extract the gold.
--So please honor yourself in knowing whether or not you are desiring this and READY for this clarity, approach and results.
--I cherish you and your heart and soul so much. I have MULTIPLE avenues of deep healing, transformational support where in which we address all of the sticky feelings, shame, guilt, self-judgement, fears, or lack of feeling safety in sharing your truth in a more intimate way. Those offerings would be better suited for you in that case.
💓If you KNOW IN YOUR SOUL, that this dialogue with me to create POTENT clarity for you on your EXACT SOUL FREQUENCY MEDICINE on this planet, I CANNOT wait to see you there!!!!
💓Once you check out, I will contact you via email to give you a scheduling link, and then simply show up to the call and we will create magic together!!!
NOTE: This is an energy activation and the codes land as soon as you make the payment. So do so with supreme self-responsibility and desire to step into the soul call that this offering is meant to activate for you, as there are no refunds.
💓💫👁️HOW TO SCHEDULE THE SESSION: Once you check out, I will send you the link to my calendar, to book in your spot on my calendar via my private email. You'll receive this email before the end of the day, depending on your time zone! I am located in eastern standard time, USA.
“What I tried to achieve in over a year, we did within 2 hours.”
“A few moments with you changed the course of my life. That's a gift.”
“Because of you, I live my life confidently now – with no fear.”
Your exquisite Genius Frequency Prophecy PDF written by me, in detail,
with the highest and deepest, potent power, potential, profit and most expansive through-lines that I see for you in the form of color frequency, texture, and clear legacy design.
💓 You receive a powerful PDF detailing the truth about you, written in words, how to record the written soul poetry about you into a subconscious self-activation sequence,
the prophecy of your divine soul jewel in motion, your exact metaphor, and THE resource kit to integrate this session to exacting depths.
You also receive 4 Soul Gift GRAPHICS made by me to anchor in the pure power of who you are to use as screensavers in your favorite photos.
IMPORTANT: Set your internal intentions before you click the link to purchase! This energetic activation starts pouring through as soon as you step in; there are no refunds also for this reason.
Long may the magic support you beautiful soul.
💠 The PDF – 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖉
💠 Designed To: Anchor In Your Divine Genius
This is your exquisite Genius Frequency Prophecy PDF written by me, in detail, with the highest and deepest, potent power, potential, profit and most expansive through-lines that I see for you in the form of color frequency, texture, and clear legacy design.
💓 You receive a powerful PDF detailing the truth about you, written in words, how to record the written soul poetry about you into a subconscious self-activation sequence, the prophecy of your divine soul jewel in motion, your exact metaphor, and THE resource kit to integrate this session to exacting depths.
💓 You also receive 4 Soul Gift GRAPHICS made by me to anchor in the pure power of who you are to use as screensavers in your favorite photos.
💠 Headlining Sections of your Custom Bespoke Genius Frequency Prophecy PDF:
💓 Custom Designed Cover Page — your exact colors, frequency and soul jewel extraction metaphor of your most transformational and alchemical gift.
💓 “This is The Truth About You” — soul poetry and exact clear affirmations written about your genius in excellent subconscious language so that you may use this as a reference and record an incredibly powerful audio for yourself to shift your deepest subconscious instincts on how you perceive yourself positively from now on.
💓 “Colors to Meditate On” — threads pulled from Your Soul Signature Genius Frequency so that you can heal, transform, uplift and clarify your genius into exaltation.
💓 “Key To Eternal Shine” — personalized visualization script to come back to the center-fold of your genius; bespoke specific key questions to ask yourself.
💓 “Your Affirmations To Lock Into Power” — inarguable statements of truth that anchor you right back into the perspective that liberates and grounds you.
💓 “Self-Subconcious Recording” — instructions on how exactly to record the given affirmations, “this is the truth about you,” and other frequencies into an audio that will plant, germinate, and water the exact seeds of your soul signature genius frequency so that living out your soul destiny becomes a body level instinct.
💓 “The Juxtaposition of Your Soul” — profound insight into the oppositional forces to your gifts in elemental frequency form, so that you can stay clear and sharp.
💓 “Your Soul Metaphor To Tap Into And Glean Unique Wisdom From” — this bespoke written section is a combination of your genius frequency prophecy, insights and support from your specific Angels and guides, as well as powerful insights and frequency level alchemy to support you in positioning your genius for business.
💓 “Additional Psychic Biz Concierge Bonus Insights” — anything further that may come through for your particular application for business. If we did not discuss this directly and specifically on your original call, this will not apply to you, as this exact PDF will be an extension and magnification of your soul presence being-ness in the world.
💓💓💓 This entire PDF is an expression of divine activation and energetic life-force; each time you read it and let it absorb by taking action it will gently recalibrate you. 💓💓💓
It's profound impact will deepen, weave more clearly, and become more and more potent, over a lifetime and beyond; the precision with which I bring through the frequencies for you is attuned to your exact soul genius dimension – your deepest and highest gifts of lifetimes are woven into an exquisitely clear, simple, and effective metaphor of alchemy. 💎
When we join forces, you…
Imagine feeling freer, and subconsciously lighter around the concept of your soul gifts.
Imagine feeling calm, neutral and powerful, on your unique radiance in the world.
△ Peace is an inside job.
Imagine trusting yourself more, and being in power around your capacity, your strength, your worthiness, and the deep inevitability of expansive divine power entering and staying in your life.
This is you trusting you. △
Power, unrelated to your circumstances,
is pure life-force energy.
Imagine feeling more embodied in you and diamond clear on the key to your expansion.
You'll start to see yourself, your life, and your relationship to your gifts, in a completely new way--on instinct.
You'll believe in yourself more, and your environment will respond.
△ Expansion is built from pure presence.
Testimony from a client who experienced my audio bundle work and a single divine fire alchemy session.
This work is like a rose garden—the more space, purity, and richness of soil you have to receive, the more you are able to.
△ Trust comes first.
Trust that you are worthy of expanding into the exponential channels of your psychic and immeasurable reception of your own soul gifts, magnitude, and monstrous capacity.
Multi-dimensional healer ~ Psychic Channel ~ Divine Fire Alchemist
Lopa is a powerful divine channel, psychic multi-dimensional healer, certified hypnotherapist, and deep soul activator of those souls who are here to light the world on fire.
She supports humans to activate their core soul frequencies by taking them back to the point of origination: The Divine Fire in which your soul was forged.
Her work touches the soul, concious mind, subconcious mind, energetic aura, and physical body all at the same time. The way she weaves in the elemental forces of life, divine energy, and powerful soul signature of her clients is unmatched.
There is a holistic, primordial power to the way she works. The frequency shifts that result speak for themselves.
△ Transformation becomes the result of clients seeing themselves, the world, and the divinity resplendent in it all, in a completely new, and embodied way.
△ Lopa is uniquely coded to reveal and activate the truth fire within you for the exact expansion you came to this Earth for. Her magic is to get you high, on your magic.
△ Her presence opens up a frequency forcefield that helps you access your own divine, innate power, and spiritual team.
Lopa stands with you, shoulder to shoulder as you breathe, ground, aim, and fire the victorious arrow of your destiny reveled…. with your eyes closed.
Self-trust and centered core power is the frequency of deepest divinity activated.
Let's amplify the foundation of your life where LOVE, LIBERATION and SOUL TRUTH ACTIVATION reign.
Courageous Soul,
your destiny beckons you.
Claim your throne.
Love, Lopa
No, by making this payment you acknowledge that this is a fully non-refundable payment. My work is both an energetic activation upon payment & further digital downloads.
The Soul Jewel Extraction Sequence itself is a live video and audio virtual Zoom Call; you will receive an email to your personal email in divine timing once you pay for this activation, that will guide you to the calendar booking page where you will also set intentions.
You will receive an email with the participation paperwork if you have signed up for a divine fire alchemy session [Psychic Oracle Dialogues + Soul Jewel Extractions are not in this category] ***Without filling this out you will not be able to attend the live session & receive hypnosis audios. Once you fill it out and return it, you'll receive a Zoom Link to attend the live session 1 or 2 days before the date of the session.
The distance soul activation is activated as soon as you click pay. Pay attention to all the magic, energy, possibilities and greater self-sight that begins to unfold for you as you do.
None. Before clicking pay, it is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions in full and agree to them. Divine Fire Alchemy and Soul Jewel Extraction is a self-educational service provided for your benefit. There are no guarantees regarding your results, finances, or physical health; testimonials are a reflection of the clients personal results, mindset and chosen circumstances and not an indication of your results. You will build your unique results.
All alchemy is self-alchemy and results are not guaranteed. This offering is for your personal educational purposes only.
Written Text Message me on Instagram @awaken.purandhri or you can email me at [email protected]. Please be flexible with the time-span on my response--I honor my body and sacred presence above all else, and will come to you with my full presence.
All audios, group sessions and energy techniques shared in live or recorded format are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. My work is copyrighted and may not be shared, duplicated, copied, repurposed or replicated in any form, whether for family, friends or clients in your work. By making this purchase you agree to this and honor the sanctity of this work, and it is an agreement that you will be the only one to use it for your personal benefit only.